5 Questions to Ask

Before Opening a Franchise Location

Work-Life Balance for Business Owners

Deciding to become a business owner is no small feat. You spend hours upon hours doing research, including reading advice articles like ours. If you are considering opening a franchise location as your path to business ownership, add these questions to your list.

Questions to Ask Before Opening a Franchise Location

  1. What is including as part of your franchise agreement? Do you have access to mentors, free marketing materials, and a website? Or will you be responsible for those things on your own or for an additional cost?
  2. What is the franchisee turnover rate? Imagine a franchise that has 100/100 successful locations. Sounds great, right? But what if 50 of those locations had owners who left after five years? That points to franchisee unhappiness.
  3. How quickly did other franchisees find financial success? You’ll want to know realistically when you will reach your goals. One year? Five? 10!? Success differs for everyone, so be sure to ask using specifics.
  4. What are the non-negotiables? Some franchisors have things they are not willing to be flexible about, sometimes down to the font used to communicate with customers. Ask ahead of time to ensure these are things you are okay leaving up to the franchisor.
  5. Are there other franchise locations in your area? There will always be business competition, but a franchisor should not expect you to compete with another franchisee.

We Have a Question for You.

Are you a Veteran or Military family member who is interested in becoming a business owner? JDog Brands offers franchise opportunities exclusively for Veterans and Military family members who also live by the values of Respect, Integrity, and Trust. Call us today at 484-324-6444 to find out how you can open a JDog Junk Removal & Hauling or JDog Carpet Cleaning location in as little as eight weeks.